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Extension of my book blog, ReadingBifrost

Always Yours

Always Yours - Kari March Cam is used to having women hanging on to him because of his father’s business, one particular one that broke his heart named Amber, and he started using women without getting emotionally involved.

Cara watched all the significant men in her life walk out the door without ever glancing back. She threw herself into working in her stepdad’s bar as soon as she turned eighteen.

One major thing I didn’t like about this book is that the author focused really hard on setting up plots to other books of the series in the background. It really distracted me from what was happening in this story and sometimes created forced dialog from characters to explain a certain event.

The romance between Cam and Cara was nice, but there wasn’t much actual romance there. Plenty of attraction was going on, but as soon as the story took a slightly romantic turn the characters would hit a bump. I did enjoy the bumps and twists in the story, but I also would have liked to see less of the drama (as there was PLENTY to be had) and a bit more romance; it started to turn into too much of a soap opera as the story carried on.

Cam is a lovable character, when he’s not being a complete jerk. Which I guess is the point. Both he and Cara have their own pasts they have trouble dealing with and of course at times they chose to deal with them the wrong way.

Amber is a typical bubbly blonde bimbo that you hate right when she shows up. But really her character is a bit to stereotypical, even if it does suit the story nicely. If the author would have given her a bit more of a backstory to humanize her and allow readers to have a bit of sympathy for Amber it would have made the story have a bit more depth.

Overall, Always Yours is a good, quick contemporary romance with plenty of drama to fill your nights!